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5/22 Friday-ish Feed Favorites

Writer's picture: Joy BottjerJoy Bottjer

Another round of Friday-ish Favorites- at this rate as long as the blog post is before the next Friday I'm calling that a success. (You better be nodding your head in agreement. For heaven's sake it's the last week of "school", we are still dealing with quarantine, and we have a long holiday weekend- get this... to stay at home.... so there's a lot of slack being cut my friends, and I'm taking it.)

I've been thinking about "guts" this week- and no, not the icky kind you're probably thinking (although my kids would love nothing better than to talk about guts and such and do science experiments in my Kitchen with the things they are finding around our farm). I'm talking about the other kind.

We have the "guts" of the Hill Country Farmhouse being closed up and drywall starting soon, I've had a few "gut checks" with clients (where I check in and see how they are doing on their homework and and how corresponds to their desired budget), and I've pulled the trigger on a few things I've been working on (and I felt like it took some guts). After meeting with clients this week I found myself saying "go with your gut" a few times. As I've reflected back on that statement I've realized most, including myself, tend to overthink decisions. The decisions on a custom home are no exception. You want every detail- big and small- to be perfect (and we want that for you as well). But sometimes we get overwhelmed and have decision paralyzation.

When clients are oscillating between two things, lets say countertops, for example, and can't make up their mind. The best advice I offer is "go with your gut". Really? That's my advice? That's it? Yes, and here's why- hear me out. Deep down you know what's best, what you want, and why. Sometimes it's hard to put into words what that "gut" feeling is. But, when you go with your gut you can't be wrong. Your inner self knows.

You'll absolutely get a lot of profound and amazing advice during the construction of a new home - from friends, family, trade professionals, and your builder (Note: if you're not reach out and learn about how we're different). But, sometimes the best advice is simple. You could say it's gut-sy.

Check out this week's #RBFeedFavorites below for spaces that make my heart swoon and speak to what my gut always tells me ("Joy you can't go wrong with black, white, and texture").

Check out these amazing accounts for inspiration: (images left to right)

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